El fin de semana pasado me quemé la boca con un puré de papa instantáneo, al que sólo se le agrega agua hirviendo, algo de mantequilla y leche al gusto, eso es lo que decía la caja en donde venía. Las letras del paquete obviaban la tan gastada pero siempre útil frase "deje enfriar antes de servir".
Por esas horas, según mis estimaciones, varios sujetos se metieron al edificio de departamentos donde vivo, llegaron hasta el garage, abrieron la puerta del conserje donde los inquilinos guardan las llaves de sus autos, y se chingaron 4 carros.
Todo -el puré, la quemada de hocico y el robo-, en menos de 10 minutos.
‘Together in creativity for peace!’ Sain, the indie label pushing Welsh
music forward for 56 years
It’s gone from a cowshed to a cultural institution. As its 3,000-album
archive gets digitised, different generations explain how Sain deepened
Welsh iden...
Hace 14 horas.
10 comentarios:
Only in DF...
Dear Mr "Journalist" (I wonder if you've ever been a reporter or have been in real contact with the lowest worlds in your own city):
News in D.F. have probably absolutely nothing to do with global warming or the virtual death of a paranoid comunist.
Mostly, it has to do with all the little things that make us look away from the reality of our own and instead, we pretend we're dedicated intelectuals and assume we understand the outside world, when we fail to pay attention to the world around our corner (that's where complete understanding of all things usually stars).
Global warming, Fidel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chavez, Somalia, Namibia, Congo, Osama... sure, all of them are interesting topics... but understand your real world, before you turn into a rotten selfinvolved intelectual... after you do that, your whole vision of all the topics around the world might change and look at it with a humanized mind (that's what makes a journalist).
Best regards.
Chale. No se cual anecdota esta peor, si esta o la de ser asaltado por el cajero de la tienda.
Buen comentario el de anonymous por cierto.
(no encuentro como poner el acento en esta checompu, ahi-comper)
Noto cierta negatividad contra Leyva en el comentario del segundo anónimo.
I do appreciate your comment, as well as the quotation marks on Journalist.
De cualquier forma, este espacio no es, ni apenas, periodismo. Para hacer ESO, todos los días se me otorgan algunos pliegos de cierto diario de la Ciudad de México.
Me gustó lo de paranoid comunist -aunque communist es con doble eme-, duro pero rosa, seguro Anónimo es mujer.
It is true, communist should have "mm" instead of "m"...
I'm not trying to be negative, but constructive.
So, you're an editor... does that mean you're a journalist?? Don't have to answer here. First say if you've ever been a reporter, how many times you've interviewd a poor woman and have come to the conclusion that there are many kinds of poor people, have you ever seen the innocent look of the real forgotten ones? (don't mean the ones around the city) How many times have you faced a psicotic politician that's always trying to get away with it ?(it is SO MUCH FUN, by the way).
What I'm trying to say, and don't get me wrong please, is... don't think you actually know or are something before having tried the very basic of it. Do you want to speak of a "real world"? Then you have to get into all those real worlds (because there are many), and you have to start at the immediate ones.
I'm not saying I don't like what I read in your space, I like it very much, but it could get so much better.
And before I go, I just want to say I feel slightly offended, because I'm very far from being a girl...
Un anónimo en ruso sí parecería severo.
Quemada de hocico...
¿por hocicón?
el puré hay que prepararlo con pura leche. Nada de agua. Y eso sí... batirlo con un globo, un globo de cocina para puré.
best regards desde la redacción y hueva con nuestro amigo o amiga anónimo.
Yo soy reportero.
No entrevisté ni a una mujer pobre ni a un político.
Entrevisté a Hugo Sánchez.
Buen tipo.
Algo pretencioso, como tú mi querido anónimo.
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